Voice Band IP Broadcasting Solution along with VoIP telephony service is the next generation IP solution for the customers trying to change existing telephone network based communication mediums to IP based solution.
The basic components of Voice Band IP Broadcasting solution are AP3120 IP Broadcasting Server and AP1601 IP Broadcasting terminal and optional component of AP-PSB. If you are looking for un ultimate solution for ALL IP communication, Voice Band IP Broadcasting Solution is the right choice.
Expand AddPac's VoIP Gateway to broadcasting terminals
AddPac's VoIP Gateway adopts modular type architecture realizing higher adoptability of VoIP telephony service and newly introduced, next generation services. Voice Band IP Broadcasting solution is the first step. For the customers using modular type VoIP Gateways such as AP2250, reasonable IP broadcasting network can be set up by only introducing AP3120 Broadcasting server and AP-Audio2 module at the empty slot of the gateway. The VoIP Gateway able to adopt AP-Audio2 module is AP1601, AP2110, AP2520G, AP2520R, AP2850 and AP2830. For the customers using non-slot type Edge Series VoIP Gateways, AP1601 VoIP IP Broadcasting Terminal can be the ultimate solution.
2nd generation VoIP communication arena
If your current network bandwidth can embrace existing computer communication and VoIP communication, Voice Band IP Broadcasting can be the next choice. Voice Band IP Broadcasting is able to offer IP broadcasting service with Min. 8 Kbps bandwidth.
Supports various codec such as G.711, G.726, G.723.1, G.729
Sampling rate: 8 Khz
Embedded Broadcasting Server and terminals
Supports standard QoS and AddPac's advanced QoS technology
Supports both fixed and dynamic IP address of XDSL and cable
modem network
Supports multicasting and unicasting
Able to broadcast even from the broadcasting terminal (ex.
Real-time broadcasting condition monitoring and log
management with GUI management tool (AP-BMS)
IP Broadcasting Server. Transmits
broadcasting message to AP1601 terminals.
broadcasting services by interoperating with PC based GUI Management tool
Receives and playbacks broadcasting
message received from AP3120.
If necessary, it
generates its own broadcasting message under the control of AP3120 at the
main location.