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Enterprise Smart Sensor Hub Solution

Enterprise smart hub solution for ZigBee/ZWave sensors is an IP connectivity device for ZigBee/ZWave sensor devices. It uses LAN interconnection feature, providing an excellent sca..[More]

AP-SH1000 (100 Series)

AP-SH1000 enterprise smart hub for ZigBee/ZWave sensors is an IP connectivity device for ZigBee/ZWave sensor devices. It uses LAN interconnection feature, providing an excellent sc..[More]

AP-SH1000 (200 Series)

AP-SH1000 200 series enterprise smart hub for ZigBee/ZWave sensors is an IP connectivity device for ZigBee/ZWave sensor devices. It uses LAN interconnection feature, providing an e..[More]

AP-SH1000 (Wired Sensor)

AP-SH1000 enterprise smart hub is an IP connectivity device for wired sensor and ZigBee/ZWave sensor devices. It uses LAN interconnection feature, providing an excellent scalabilit..[More]

AP-SH3000 Enterprise Smart Sensor Hub

AP-SH3000 enterprise smart hub is an IP connectivity device for wired sensor and ZigBee/ZWave sensor devices. This smart sub system supports two(2) hardware module slots for variou..[More]
