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  Title : auto-upgrade

Configuration element

1. APOS config
Location: gateway
Type : APOS command
Content: command

2. auto config list script
location: HTTP Server.
type: test file.
Content: the name and version(serial) of inf file.

3. auto config command script.
location: HTTP Server.
type: test file.
Content: the command script which user want to add or modify.

The APOS config example – command for APOS.

- auto upgrade for configuration.


auto-upgrade url http://test_server.com/config/addpac/ap2640cfg.lst
auto-script ap2640cfg20061122.inf
auto-upgrade inf-serial 100
auto-upgrade verbose
auto-upgrade action auto

- auto upgrade for APOS.


auto-upgrade authentication login test password test
auto-upgrade auto-reboot
auto-upgrade url http://test_server.com/config/addpac/apos.lst
auto-upgrade verbose
auto-upgrade action auto

- auto upgrade for configuration & APOS both.


auto-upgrade url http://test_server.com/config/addpac/all.lst
auto-upgrade inf-serial 100
auto-upgrade authentication login test password test
auto-upgrade auto-reboot
auto-upgrade verbose
auto-script ap2640cfg20061122.inf
auto-upgrade action auto

The contents of packing list file (text file)

- ap2640cfg.lst for auto upgrade configuration.

#APOS Configuration Auto-Upgrade
./ap2640cfg20061122.inf 1234567 22 NOV 2006 10:00:00

- apos.lst for auto upgrade APOS.

#APOS Auto-Upgrade
./ap2640rom_v8_23.bin 8.23 20 Jan 2003 16:30:00

- all.lst for auto upgrade APOS & config both.

#APOS & configuration Auto-Upgrade
./ap2640cfg20061122.inf 1234567 22 NOV 2006 10:00:00
./ap2640rom_v8_23.bin 8.23 20 Jan 2003 16:30:00

The contents of .inf file (text command script)

- ap2640cfg20061122.inf for auto config.

ftp-access accept-same-file
!ip tos
ip-tos rtp precedence 5
ip-tos rtp delay
ip-tos rtp throughput
ip-tos sig precedence 5
ip-tos sig delay
ip-tos sig throughput
! Voice service voip configuration.
voice service voip
fax protocol bypass
fax rate 9600
timeout tidt 4
qos-threshold delay 0
qos-threshold jitter 0
qos-threshold packet-loss 0

- ap2640rom_v8_23.bin

Put ap2640rom_v8_23.bin on http://test_server.com/config/addpac directory.

The explanation about operation.

- auto config flow.

gateway try to download ap2640cfg.lst from http://test_server.com/config/addpac.
Then gateway read .inf file name in ap2640cfg.lst (in case of this example, it is ap2640cfg20061122.inf).
If it is the same name with gateway config.
Then, gateway compare the inf serial number (in case of this example, APOS is 0, new script is ��1234567��).
If it is bigger than APOS config, gateway try to download ap2640cfg20061122.inf script and parse and execute each line.
Finally, gateway change inf-serial to ��1234567�� automatically.
So if you want to downloading command script later, you should set inf-serial number to 1234568 or over in ap2640cfg.inf located in web server.

- auto upgrade APOS flow

If .lst file includes APOS upgrade like all.lst, below line will be referred by gateway.
./ap2640rom_v8_23.bin 8.23 20 Jan 2003 16:30:00

If version is not same with local, gateway will try to download APOS image from http://test_server.com/config/addpac directory.

Related Command.

Command parameter Description
auto-script Auto running scriptor file name
auto-upgrade url < http://hostname/URL > server address and URL
auto-upgrade authentication login password authentication login and password
auto-upgrade configuration-serial INF file Serial Number
auto-upgrade interval success <1-365> Next upgrade interval when upgrade is success
auto-upgrade interval fail <5-1440> Upgrade interval when upgrade is fail
auto-upgrade Action > auto: Periodically auto upgrade
: Update now
auto-upgrade auto-reboot Auto-Reboot after APOS(tm) upgrade
auto-upgrade verbose Set Verbose Mode (Display Upgrade Procedure)

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